
Monday, September 27, 2010

New Blog

Even with the piles of things I never finish, I never feel like I have enough to do. That's how this blog comes about.

What will we be doing here? Well, I love books - I love to read books, hold books, display books on my shelf. I'm a bibliophile, all the way through, and there's no going back from that. I also like to talk about books, and so this is what this blog is for. It could be a whole book, a chapter, a sentence - there's no determined pattern, at least not yet. If something strikes me, it's what I'll write about.

What kind of books will I write about? Books that I like (and sometimes books that I really, really hate). And what kind of books do I like? Fantasy, children's literature, travel writing, essays, classics, slice-of-life, coming of age, manga, graphic novels, comics, literature... basically, anything that's interesting.

Will I only write about books I'm reading? No. I'm giving my lazy self some room, and saying that longer posts about something I'm reading will come out every two weeks. This gives me a chance to finish what I'm reading, write out my post, and of course read other stuff in between. To fill out the blog, I'll also post news and thoughts I feel are relevant. Also as a writer, I am infatuated with words in general, so any time I stumble across a fantastic term or idiom, I'll post my discovery (or rediscovery) here.

That's all for now! Real posts will begin within the week, and I hope you plan to stick around. Leave comments and subscribe, because the more people I know are reading this, the more motivated to continue I will be.

Would you like to find me elsewhere on the 'net? I also have a general writing blog, a Twitter and a Facebook page.

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